The Importance of Person-Centred Care

Homecare | posted: 9-10-2024
The Importance of Person-Centred Care


What is person-centred care?


Person-centred care prioritises the individual’s needs, preferences and values, placing them at the core of their care. This guarantees that the person’s decisions regarding their care are honoured.  


What are the principles of person-centred care?


The Health Foundation has identified a framework which consist of four principles of person-centred care:


1. Affording people dignity, compassion & respect

2. Offering coordinated care, support or treatment

3. Offering personalised care, support or treatment

4. Supporting people to recognise & develop their own strengths & abilities to enable them to live an independent & fulfilling life


What are the core values of person-centred care?


1. Individuality

2. Choice

3. Independence

4. Dignity

5. Respect

6. Rights

7. Privacy

8. Partnership


Why is person-centred care important?


Person-centred care seeks to minimise the risk of poor treatment and neglect, by putting the client at the heart of their care, allowing them control over their care decisions.  


There are significant benefits to using a person-centred approach such as:


Improved client satisfaction: Individuals who feel heard and respected will be less anxious surrounding their care and be happy knowing they are receiving the best support.


Better health outcomes: When care and treatment plans are aligned with the client’s preferences and needs, it can lead them to make healthier lifestyle choices therefore resulting in improved health outcomes.


Independence: Giving the individual the opportunity to make their own care decisions enables them to become more empowered and confident. Improved care leads to better health outcomes which reduces dependency on health services.  


Flexibility: Individuals have the freedom to adapt their care to their own needs instead of having a generic care plan imposed on them.


At Direct Homecare, we are committed to putting our clients at the heart of everything we do. We strive to understand and respect the individual needs of each client, ensuring that our care enhances their health, well-being and overall quality of life.


If you or a loved one are looking for a honest and compassionate conversation regarding your homecare requirements, get in touch with a member of our friendly team today 0345 230 1645